Feb. 2019 Hot Topic - Plastic-Free Delaware

Feb. 2019 Hot Topic - Plastic-Free Delaware

Speaker photo and event details (location, date, time)
Blog Post

The public is invited to all Hot Topic meetings to become informed on a wide variety of topics. It is also a time to check in with members of LWV, make new friends, and invite your neighbors and colleagues to experience the League in an informal setting while we enjoy the buffet lunch at Michael's Restaurant in Christiana. 

On Monday February 25, 2019, county councilperson Dee Durham spoke on the topic "Plastic Pollution! Zero Waste! In Delaware and Beyond?" Dee explored the initiatives of Plastic Free Delaware which seeks to reduce plastic pollution through education, outreach and policy implementation.

If you missed the presentation, you can watch the video here:

After you press the "Play" button (the right-triangle at the center of the video), you may also need to click the speaker icon in the lower right to enable the sound. The video may start by default with the speaker muted (this is indicated by a small "x" next to the speaker icon).

The full video is 52 minutes long. Minute markers are provided below for your convenience:

01:30 - Data on Plastic Pollution
05:15 - Harm to Animals, Toxic Food Chain
09:20 - "Free" bags are not free
10:55 - Other places in U.S. and worldwide are taking action
13:45 - Plastic straws
17:20 - Approach: change human behavior
26:20 - What are we doing in New Castle County
29:05 - What you can do...
Change your habits, sign a petition, donate,
share on social media, advocate with legislators.

32:00 - Questions & Answers

Dee Durham lives with her family in her childhood home in Rockland, Delaware adjacent to Brandywine Creek State Park where her passion for conservation was instilled exploring the woods and streams of the park as a child.

Dee served as the Executive Director of Preservation Delaware from 1995-2002, and then became Executive Director of S.A.V.E., a land use, conservation planning and smart transportation advocacy organization based in Chester County, Pennsylvania. She was honored with the Chairman's Award from Preservation Pennsylvania in 2012 and in 2018 with the Volunteer of the Year Award from Governor John Carney for her work on plastic pollution.

Dee co-founded and continues to lead Plastic Free Delaware which seeks to address the blight of single use plastic and move Delaware toward the goal of Zero Waste.