Delaware Smart Justice Canvass Launch

Delaware Smart Justice Canvass Launch

SMART JUSTICE Delaware - 3.17.19 Smart Justice Canvass Launch


Elsmere Library
30 Spruce Ave
Elsmere Delaware 19805
Delaware US
Sunday, March 17, 2019 - 3:00pm to Monday, March 18, 2019 - 5:45pm

Want to support the Campaign for Smart Justice and end the era of mass incarceration? Then join in this Canvass Launch event!

Whether you're an experienced canvasser, or doing it for the first-time, the partner groups at the launch will have the training, materials and food/drink to help you make an impact in raising community awareness of prison reform issues.

This is the first in a series of canvassing in multiple locations across Delaware.

RSVP requested (use the registration link above).

More information can be found on Facebook:

LWVNCC is co-sponsoring this event with Network Delaware, ACLU of Delaware, Delaware United, the Campaign for Smart Justice Delaware, the Coalition to Dismantle the New Jim Crow, and other groups.