Marian Shostrom, Action/Advocacy Co-Chair
In honor of the 100th Birthday of the League of Women Voters, the League is sponsoring a coordinated Day of Action to strengthen democracy. The League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley will focus on the issue of redistricting. The People Powered Fair Maps Campaign began in September 2019, and will continue through 2020 ahead of the 2021 redistricting cycle.
The League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley will focus on educating and engaging local leaders and residents on redistricting processes that align with LWV positions. LWVDV members will encourage cities and school districts to use independent commissions when they redraw districts after the 2020 Census. On February 14th, we will use a variety of tools such as meetings, social media, and letters to the editor to begin the process. Join us in encouraging fair and impartial redistricting:
- Attend the Action/Advocacy Committee Meeting on February 8th, from 10 am – noon in the LWVDV Office, 500 St. Mary’s Rd., Lafayette.
- Email info [at] and let us know if you would like to help with this important issue.