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Thank you candidates

Thank You, Candidates!

A democracy cannot survive without citizens willing to run for office.

Purple background with gold state of Florida and red and off white red cross graphics

Why Florida Should Expand Medicaid

This paper presents a summary of just a few studies describing the reasons Florida should expand Medicaid.

Read it Now
Remaining Nonpartisan in Hyper-Partisan Times

Remaining Nonpartisan in Hyper-Partisan Times

LWVUS was founded to be a nonpartisan voice for American women who wanted free, fair, and open elections

League of Women Voters

Alachua County

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

The League does not take positions or make endorsements in any race for political office, and neither supports nor opposes any particular candidate or party.

Blue LWV text with red swoosh on white background

LWV is switching to a new member portal for all Leagues across the country on Feb. 1. Through ChapterSpot, you will be able to renew your membership online and update your own information (e.g. phone, email, mailing address) as needed. Dues will no longer be a fixed rate but will be pay-what-you-can (with a $20 minimum). On a member level, we hope these changes will make managing your membership easier. On a League level, this is expected to increase membership around the country and increase our ability to empower voters and defend democracy.

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,

Let’s look forward, then backward.

Looking forward, the national League is surging ahead with making joining and renewing memberships more uniform and more modern...

Red Gun Violence text with white Prevention and Safety text on black to gray background with red circle around a hand on the left
Event Date: 
01/21/2025 - 6:30pm

LWVAC's new Gun Violence Prevention & Safety Committee will meet by Zoom on the third Tuesday of each month. We are brainstorming what we can do to augment the efforts of the other community partners are doing to prevent gun violence and promote gun safety.

Background Image
Event Date: 
01/28/2025 - 6:00pm

Join our next Board & Leadership team meeting to learn what's happening in your local League. We'd love to hear from you. Come get involved!

Janice holding sunflower

On Thursday, Jan. 9, the state legislators who represent Alachua County gathered at Santa Fe College for their annual public meeting. This was the only opportunity for the public at large to see and hear the legislators and provide input on matters of interest before the legislative session begins March 4. President Janice Garry addressed the delegation on behalf of LWV of Alachua County...

Rosalie Bandyopadhyay in a blue NASA ballcap
Blog Post

LWVAC is proud to have several Life Members—those who have been League members for 50 consecutive years! We’ve set out to interview them all. Here we talk with Rosalie Bandyopadhyay…

Stop Gun Violence red text on black background with gun covered in chain and lock

A recording of the December Gun Violence Prevention and Safety meeting is now available....

Screenshot of Medicare Zoom Presentation

With Medicare Open Enrollment ending on Dec. 7, the LWVAC Health Care Committee felt this was a great time to host a Hot Topic presentation on Medicare by Dr. Ed Weisbart, M.D., National Board Secretary of Physicians for a National Health Program. Dr. Weisbart joined LWVAC members as well as community members in person and via Zoom to discuss Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. He explained their advantages, disadvantages and differences, and effectively utilized personal stories to explain possible problems with various choices.

Queen Lizzie podcast cover

LWVAC's own, Vice President Gwendolyn Saffo, joined the Queen Lizzie podcast to talk about all things voting, LWV and more.


Action Alerts

More than 100 years after some women gained the right to vote, people in the United States are still not constitutionally guaranteed equality on the basis of sex. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) will update the US Constitution to protect the equality of rights under the law regardless of sex.

Tell your representatives they must ensure that the ERA is published.

Purple background with gold state of Florida and red and off white red cross graphics

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), passed into law in 2010, was designed to improve the health of Americans. A key strategy in the law is improving access to health care which, in America, means providing affordable high quality health insurance. Florida Medicaid eligibility is limited to specific populations like pregnant women and children, but the ACA offers the opportunity to expand Medicaid to low-income adults. Florida is one of only 10 states that has not expanded Medicaid, so it should not be surprising that it ranked 47th in the percentage of residents with insurance and 48th in the nation for access to care. This paper presents a summary of just a few of the many studies describing the reasons Florida should expand Medicaid.

Scene from a library with tables in the foreground and bookshelves in the background

This article was originally posted on the LWV Education website on December 26, 2023, by LWVAC Member, Sue Legg

The Economics of CAPs graphic
Research & Studies

Climate action plans (CAPs) are robust policy tools that outline the future of a community in the face of climate change. Research and focused case studies of Fort Collins, Colorado and Miami, Florida reveal that taking climate action can contribute to the growth of the green economy, avoid future losses in GDP, and reduce avoidable deaths due to air pollution and extreme heat. The economic costs are personnel and budget for creation and implementation, as well as the cost of shifting industries. By outlining small steps and quantifying savings for each initiative, cities can clear ambiguity and gain support for CAPs.

Blog Post

In recent years, the state of Florida has implemented an alarming series of policies that undermine voter participation, creating conditions ripe for mass voter intimidation. 

These instances of systematic voter intimidation are a dangerous and deliberate attempt to disenfranchise certain communities — led explicitly by state institutions. 

Blog Post

When redistricting is done fairly, each person’s vote is equal to every other person’s because their districts are drawn in ways that accurately represent the voting power of the people within them.

When redistricting is done unfairly, however, and maps are created to favor one party (partisan gerrymandering) or with race as the predominant factor (racial gerrymandering), voters in certain districts are given more power than others. 

Diverse group of women facing the camera along the top with Meet & Mobilize text below in a white background

The Meet & Mobilize Collaborative Initiative was formed from the Meet & Mobilize event in January. The collaborative is made up of nonpartisan community organizations, including Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Delta Sigma Zeta Chapter, the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Gainesville Alumnae Chapter, The Visionaires Club, The Links Inc. Gainesville Chapter, and LWV of Alachua County. The aim is to create meaningful partnerships as we enter the 2024 election season through education, engagement and empowerment. It is evident that our voices are more vital when we unite and collaborate; it is a testament to the power of collective action. Working together will strengthen and maintain our democracy and our community.

Graphics of blurred images of bookshelves on a tablet and smartphone with a green swoosh on the left. Text on the right.

The Alachua County Library District offers an Issues & Controversies Database which aims to provide the most accurate, accessible, and authoritative content about politics, government, business, education, and popular culture. The database presents arguments on both sides of every issue in a clear, balanced, and unbiased manner.

Action Alert - League of Women Voters (Vote for Your Rights)

Action Alerts

Every day, the freedom to vote is under attack. Since the Supreme Court decision of Shelby County v. Holder that gutted the Voting Rights Act (VRA), at least twenty-nine states have passed ninety-four laws that make it harder to vote, with the burden falling hardest on Black voters and other voters of color.

Urge Your Representatives to Prevent Voter Discrimination and Support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

Action Alert - League of Women Voters (Vote for Your Rights)

Action Alerts

Voting is a fundamental right, and all Americans deserve an equal opportunity to make their voices heard in our democracy.

Increased accessibility to the electoral process ensures that every eligible voter can exercise their right to vote. Congress must know how the people feel: empowering eligible voters to cast their ballot strengthens our democracy.

Please add your name to show Congress that we support voting rights!

A graphic of a fist holding scales with CEDAW text along the top

The U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) goes to shape a better future for all and to ensure equality for women. It will shape their future and our future, a better world for all. Justice for women is justice for all, our future, theirs and our children's future. This treaty also speaks to protection for victims of trafficking and other crimes. Your action on it will be very helpful in applying some grease to the stuck wheels of a very important humanitarian issue.