Orange Coast - Voter Service Committee
Orange Coast - Voter Service Committee
Voter Service Committee
Candidate and Issue Forums, Fairs, and Debates
Voter Service aims to bring local candidates before the public to discuss their positions on issues important to the community.
How We Accomplish Our Mission:
- We partner with your group to conduct candidate forums for upcoming races.
- We follow trusted guidelines to keep the forum focused, engaged, and on topic.
- We provide a moderator and sort questions from the audience in real time.
How You Can Get Involved:
- Invite your organization, neighborhood, or workplace to co-sponsor with us.
- Volunteer to be a timer and join our event.
- As a League member, train with us to be a moderator.
- Learn how to run your own focused and balanced forum with your group.
- Contact us at voter.service [at]
Pros and Cons of Ballot Measures
To give plain and simple unbiased explanations of the California state ballot measures: how the law stands now, what the ballot measures would change if adopted, and who is spending money supporting or opposing each measure.
How We Accomplish Our Mission:
We speak at various events. Our team of dedicated volunteers trains to present the ballot arguments and the budget impacts of each proposition as issued by the California State Legislative Analyst’s Office.
How You Can Get Involved:
- Members, train to be a speaker.
- Attend one of our events.
- Invite us to speak to your group.
- Discuss the upcoming election with your neighbors with our Easy Voter Guide resources.
- Download our Easy Voter Guide.
- Contact us at voter.service [at]
Voter Registration and Education
To make sure all eligible Americans—especially first-time and low-prospensity voters—have the opportunity to register and vote with access to unbiased voter information.
How We Accomplish Our Mission:
- We partner with high schools, local colleges, and community groups.
- We focus on voter education at the site of registration.
- We pre-register 16- and 17-year-olds so they are automatically registered on their 18th birthday.
- For 2020, Everyone Counts! Voter registration events include information on 2020 Census and Redistricting.
How You Can Get Involved:
- Volunteer to register voters with our team.
- Ask your local high school PTA to partner with us.
- Invite us to your workplace.
- Suggest a voter registration drive event and come join us.
- Train to register voters so they know why, when, and where to vote.
- Purchase a “Your Vote Matters” lawn sign and let your neighbors know!
- Find out more about voter registration from the League of Women Voters of California.
- Register to vote in California online.
- Read the Voter Bill of Rights from the California Secretary of State.
- Contact us at voter.service [at]
Voter Service Public Documents
League to which this content belongs:
Orange Coast