In order to exercise your right to vote, you must be registered. Laws vary from state to state. The LWV Elmhurst outlines the guidelines for voting in Elmhurst and neighboring communities. Click on the red links below for easy access to relevant registration topics.
- You must be a U.S. citizen.
- You must be at least 18 years of age by Election Day. (Voters who are 17 years old are eligible to register for the primary if they will be 18 by the election.)
- You must live in your precinct at least 30 days before the election.
- You must not claim the right to vote elsewhere.
- You must not be in prison or jail serving time for a conviction.
Ex-convicts who have completed their sentences and who meet all other requirements listed above are eligible to register and vote in Illinois.
You can verify your voter registration here.
Applicants need two forms of identification, at least one of which shows the address for their new/updated registration. Depending on how close to the election they’re registering, individuals have different options for registration:
- Voter Registration Drive: You can register at a voter registration drive held in or nearby Elmhurst prior to Election Day. LWV Elmhurst members regularly volunteer at these events.
Online Registration: It is possible to register to vote (or change your address) online here.
- Vote-by-Mail Registration: To request a VBM ballot, click here.
Same-Day Registration: Illinois offers same-day registration at your polling place. Find your polling place here.
- Early-Voting Locations: For a list of locations that offer early voting, click here.
- Upcoming Elections: For important dates and information related to upcoming elections, click here.
A full list of details on registration (and voting in general) is available on the DuPage County Clerk (Election Division) website. Or you may contact the Election Division via phone (630/407-5600), in-person (Jack T. Knuepfer Administrative Building, 421 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL 60187), by mail (PO Box 1087, Wheaton, IL 60187), or with this online form.
voterreg.lwvelmhurst [at] gmail.com (Contact the LWV Elmhurst voter registration chair) with any questions about upcoming voter registration drive (or voter registration in general).