October Public Policy Luncheon

October Public Policy Luncheon


Lourie Center
1650 Park Circle
Columbia South Carolina 29201
South Carolina US
Thursday, October 17, 2019 - 11:45am

Lynn Teague, LWVCA member and lobbyist for the State League, and Professor Debbie Billings with USC Public Health will speak on reproductive health today. 

We are at a somewhat perplexing juncture in women’s reproductive health. Our ability to make our own decisions is protected as a constitutional right. Polls show that the standards established in Roe v. Wade retain the support of a majority of Americans. However, those rights are under constant attack nationally and also in the South Carolina General Assembly. At present, H.3020, the “fetal heartbeat” bill, has passed in the SC House and is being pushed through the Senate. The speakers will place this in historical and social context and discuss our fight to stop efforts to undermine women’s reproductive health in South Carolina. Debbie has written on international women’s pregnancy, birth, and motherhood issues.

All League members are welcome. RESERVATIONS for a catered lunch are required no later than Wednesday noon, October 16. Cost of lunch: $10.00 (attendees may bring a lunch). Please RSVP to Susan James: sc.susanbjames [at] gmail.com or call (803) 256-6822.