Columbia Area Action Alerts

Action Alerts

Action Alerts engage members to reach out to local, state, and national legislators on topics of immediate relevance to the League's mission.  

“Speaking with one voice” is an important tenet of the League. The national League provides strategies and action policies to ensure a consistent message on national issues, and similarly state Leagues are responsible for a coherent state message.  Neighboring local Leagues often collaborate to ensure regional issues are addressed uniformly.

Only the president (or designee) speaks for the League in an official capacity; however, members are encouraged to act as individuals.  When responding to an Action Alert, for example, a local League president would send a message on behalf of the organization, and members might contact the same official as individuals without mention of League affiliation.  Responding as an individual strengthens your action with legislators.  

Members are encouraged to respond as individuals to the Action Alerts below.  Note below each headline the organization posting the alert, either South Carolina (state League), LWVUS (national), or Columbia Area (local).

Columbia Area Action Alerts

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Columbia Area Subscribed Action Alerts

Action Alert - League of Women Voters (Protestors with US flag)

Action Alerts

Just over one month into the current Administration, the President has issued a series of executive orders and directed actions that violate the law and Congress’ power. Congress must act now to restore the stability of our nation before it’s too late.

Urge your members of Congress to stand up for our democracy.

Women defend democracy logo

Action Alerts

Searching for ways to help defend democracy?

Even taking one small action can help us fight the negative emotions we are feeling and leave us feeling empowered to do more. 

Open our weekly actions to find out what you can do at national, state, and local levels to make a difference. 

Action Alert (Black woman with megaphone)

Action Alerts

The House and Senate introduced the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would require citizenship documentation to register to vote even though voters in every state are already required to affirm or verify their citizenship status when registering.

The SAVE Act would create one more barrier to the voting process, as many eligible voters do not have easy access to the necessary documents.

Tell your members of Congress to oppose the SAVE Act

Action Alert - League of Women Voters (Vote for Your Rights)

Action Alerts

More than 50 years after the Voting Rights Act was passed, full protections for voting rights are not guaranteed for all voters. While we have made progress in expanding voter access, many people still face challenges to participating in elections due to factors including income, health, age, race, disability, and gender. Voting is a fundamental right, and all Americans deserve an equal opportunity to make their voices heard in our democracy.

Urge Congress to protect the right to vote!