President's Message, Nov. 2019 - fundraiser success

President's Message, Nov. 2019 - fundraiser success

President's Message.... by Marj Johnson (with headshot & swirl)
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) President Marjorie Johnson's message for November 2019 is included below...

We all owe a big debt of gratitude to Lorraine Botticelli, Dick Johnson, Patti Christopher, Catrina Jefferson and Kim Wells for the great fundraiser they planned at the Brandywine Brewing Company in Sept. It raised more than $5,000 for the LWVNCC and it was quite a fun evening. Thanks to all who came out to support us, and to our special bartenders who helped raise the ante: Dick Johnson, Catrina Jefferson, County Executive Matt Meyer, Susan Mitchell, Jill Itzkowitz, Senator Anthony Delcollo, James Spadola, Erik Raser Schramm, Melissa Hopkins, Representative David Bentz, Mary O’Connell, Sallie Reissman, Erika Gutierrez, Representative Mike Smith, Aja Ajavon, Kyra Hoffner, Representative Krista Griffith, Denise Tracy, Casey Davis, Adriana Ochoa.

The League has been operating on a shoestring ever since I’ve been a member, and it makes it difficult to plan meaningful projects and events for voter education. Your Board, at the request of the Finance Committee, has taken on the task of funding a reserve fund of around $6,000 which would cover our operating, required expenses so that we will always be able to pay Letty and the rent, the phone, and have an internet, etc. In addition, we will be planning some targeted fundraising to develop a restricted fund for long-term investment and sustainability. But what a fantastic start to our fundraising the bartender event was!

We have another opportunity on 12/1 from 11-4 at Everything but The Kitchen Sink in Hockessin. Come out and do some holiday shopping and benefit your League.

As I write this, the Eagles have finally won a game and I take that as a symbol of persistence and hope. There are a lot of challenges out there, and I am grateful to be part of an organization that continues to stand on the side of justice and civility in our effort to secure our country and our planet for future generations. The League of Women Voters is truly a unique organization in today’s political world. Thank you for joining me in our effort to preserve our democracy with an informed, diverse citizenry.

At the Annual Meeting last June the budget was amended. If you would like a copy contact the office at 302-571-8948 or email lwvncc [at]

-- Marj Johnson