Membership Chair

Membership Chair

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Membership Chair

The membership chair is responsible for directing the League's efforts to recruit and retain members. Keys to success include a knowledge of the League, enthusiasm, administrative ability, patience and persistence, along with full cooperation and help from all board members. The membership chair should not be expected to undertake this challenge alone but should enlist others to help whenever possible. Forming a membership “team” makes the job more fun and manageable while training others for future League leadership.


Recruits and involves members in League activities.

  • General
    • Recruits new members.
    • Retains current members.
    • Provides League orientation for new members.
    • Maintains an up-to-date membership list.
  • Specific
    • Plans and coordinates special membership recruitment events.
    • Works with the board to review the League's goals for diversity and determine action steps for the year.
    • Keeps a file of prospective members and former members.
    • Makes personal contact with prospective members.
    • Sends prospective members the League bulletin.
    • Contacts new members, transfers and members recruited by the LWVUS or the state League to welcome them and inquire about their League interests.
    • Plans and coordinates special events to welcome and orient new members.
    • Works with board members and committee chairs to match members, new and old, with opportunities for League involvement, recognizing that involvement is optional.
    • Organizes and oversees a telephone tree or e-mail tree.
    • Works with the treasurer on dues collection and list maintenance.
    • Submits membership reports to the LWVUS and state League, as required.
    • Makes sure a supply of membership brochures is available.
  • Techniques
    • Form a committee to share responsibility
    • Provide all board members with membership brochures and ask them to carry brochures with them at all times.
    • Highlight membership recruitment/retention opportunities at every board meeting.
    • Encourage board members to collaborate with diverse organizations in the community as they make their plans for the year (cosponsor meetings, for example, or Get Out the Vote campaigns).
    • Capitalize on League advocacy to attract people interested in those issues.
    • Work to create visibility for the League—with the PR chair, if there is one.
    • Have membership materials available at every League event and ask board members to assist with hospitality and recruitment.
    • Ask the board for help in getting members involved.
    • Have a League table or booth at community events.
    • Provide League information to diverse organizations in the community.
    • Provide information on new members to the bulletin editor for brief bios welcoming them to the League.
    • Be enthusiastic, patient and persistent!
    • Ask the membership question: “Would you like to join?”
    • Plan and carry out orientation for new members--by a meeting or one-on-one.
    • Develop a new member kit.
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