Dear League Leaders and all League Members:
Got Zoom? If not, you are invited to our mini-trainings on how to use this online meeting technology, to quickly get comfortable with using it to vote and participate in online LWVDV activities – learn how to share perspectives and strategies through online options. There is nothing to it once you have had a quick walk-through online. Watch for LWVDV emails throughout May and early June for dates and times.
Annual Meeting - Saturday, June 20, 10:00 (Zoom meeting)
We invite all members and encourage your attendance at our LWVDV annual membership meeting. Save the date and participate!
When: The date has been changed to Saturday, June 20th at 10:00 am. This will be an online Zoom conference meeting with video and voice service. You will be able to use your computer, laptop or iPad and/or your phone of any variety.
Why: We need a quorum of members to vote to continue services for the next year, so we will urgently need your RSVP. With your RSVP we can determine if we will have our quorum for the meeting. When we receive your RSVP, we will respond by providing the Zoom online meeting information that you will need to attend and participate. Also, we will provide links to a few brief Zoom orientations so you will not be put off by the use of something new.
How: Watch for email from LWVDV for instructions on how to participate in the call and how to register your votes.
What: Vote for our elected officers; vote to approve our budget; vote on a bylaws change; and consider our LWVDV Program Priorities and vote to approve them. A packet will be sent to you before the meeting with all the information you need to “vote informed”.
Who: Meet our Voter Service leaders and learn of all the services we will be able to provide for the critical November election with your volunteer help. At the meeting, you will be able to volunteer early to participate in Voter Service for November, to be delivered mostly online.
We are thankful for these options to stay connected and support each other safely. We know that these are strenuously challenging times for all of us. We are fortunate to have such a caring and effective leadership and membership.
Celebrate: At the online annual meeeting, we will also celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the League of Women Voters and the 19th Amendment! Want to party online? Come join us!
RSVP: Call our office (925-283-2235) or email info [at] to RSVP for the Annual Meeting. If Zoom online is not possible for you for any reason, don't miss out! Please let us know in your RSVP and we will provide a phone number so you can call in and participate.
If you have questions, call our office and leave a message. We have a new message service that is improving our response time.
Suzan Requa, LWVDV President