LWVDV 2020 Annual Meeting - Proposed Bylaws Change

LWVDV 2020 Annual Meeting - Proposed Bylaws Change

red & blue flowers, candle holder with blue stars


June 20, 2020


Article IX.

Section 7. Emergency Use of Conference Telephone or Electronic Meeting for Annual Meetings. If necessitated by an emergency that prevents physical participating in an Annual Meeting by a majority of the members and the LWV Diablo Valley board, the board may notify all LWVDV members that the Annual Meeting will be held remotely by use of conference telephone, online electronic meeting platform or other suitable mechanism.

Suitable mechanisms must ensure that all voting members are able to hear each other, view Annual Meeting materials while participating, and register their votes in a manner that can be recorded accurately for the minutes.

Notice of a remote Annual Meeting must be provided to all LWVDV members at least 10 days prior to the meeting, containing complete access information together with copies of all materials related to business to come before the Annual Meeting, including the nominating committee slate, proposed program, proposed budget, and any bylaws changes.

Re-number existing Sections 7 and 8 to Sections 8 and 9.