Presentation: "Ensuring Election Integrity in Yolo County"

Jessie Salinas
Jesse Salinas, Registrar of Voters for Yolo County, will be the guest speaker at a Woodland League meeting open to both members and the public. He will describe the process that the Yolo County elections office uses to verify ballots and improve accessibility for all voters, while preserving the confidentiality of each ballot.
The presentation will be live streamed and recorded for viewing at: https://youtube.com/live/Ic-pitJdQLc
Light refreshments will be served.
Time: Monday, September 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Location: Woodland Community and Senior Center, 2001 East St, Woodland, CA 95776
LWV Candidate Forums - 2024 General Election

The League of Women Voters will be hosting two candidate forums in advance of the November 5 presidential election.
Both forums will be held at the Woodland Community and Senior Center, 2001 East Street, Woodland 95776.
The forums will be livestreamed by Woodland TV, with recordings available for viewing until after the election. Woodland TV will also broadcast the forums on Channel 21.
Monday September 30, 2024 6:30 PM |
WOODLAND CITY COUNCIL, Districts 4 and 5 | |
Candidates | District 4: Fred Lopez and David Moreno District 5: Chukwunedum (Chuck) Amajioyi and Mayra Vega |
Link to view the livestream and recording: https://youtube.com/live/aS4w39e1M-I |
Thursday October 3, 2024 6:30 PM |
Candidates: | Thom Bogue (R) and Christopher Cabaldon (D) |
Link to view the livestream and recording: https://youtube.com/live/PnRXRZkPJM0 |
The audience will be able to submit written questions, but no voice questions or statements will be allowed. No campaign literature or paraphernalia such as signs, T-shirts, hats, buttons, etc. will be allowed inside the meeting room.
2024 Democracy Works Award Ceremony
We are excited to announce that Brown Issues, a California-based nonprofit, and Laura Brubaker, a local resident, have been selected as recipients of this year’s Democracy Works award. The awards will be presented at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 19, at American Legion Post 77, 523 Bush St., Woodland. Desserts and non-alcoholic beverages will be available.
Both recipients meet the award’s criteria, which include encouraging equal representation, promoting free and fair elections, expanding voter education and rights, advocating legislation that promotes democracy and our communities, or taking grassroots political action in Yolo County.
Click here to read about this and previous Award recipients…
Pros & Cons on State Propositions - November 2024
There are 10 statewide ballot propositions on your November 2024 ballot and many of them are complex. The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund has provided easy to understand analysis of each proposition, with fiscal information, impacts if the proposition passes, and the viewpoints of supporters and opponents of each ballot measure.
Click here to read about each of the 10 California Ballot Measures:
The League of Women Voters of California has issued its recommendations on the most recent state ballot measures. The League uses its program positions in the analysis of ballot measures.
Click here to read the recommendations on the ballot measures on your November ballot.
League program positions reflect the consensus of the membership after studying an issue, debating it, and voting to adopt a specific position. These positions, enacted and evolved by members over the lifetime of the League, are the guideposts for all of our actions on issues. If members have not studied and come to consensus on an issue, we have no position and no stand on that issue.
Yolo Co. Climate Action & Adaptation Plan to hold Community Workshops

Yolo County will be holding their second series of community workshops, where they invite county residents to “share your vision for a more resilient, equitable and sustainable Yolo County.”
The workshops are part of the development of the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP), described as “a roadmap that outlines the actions that Yolo County will take to reduce our emissions and help our community be more resilient to climate impacts such as higher temperatures, more frequent wildfires and floods, and drought.”
The workshops will take place in November and December at various locations throughout the county. There will also be a virtual workshop. For dates and locations Read more…
The Voter - Spring 2024 Issue
Our latest newsletter has updates on upcoming events and board meetings, as well as information about recent activities, high school voter registration outreach, LWV Woodland history and updates from LWV California and LWV United States.
League of Women Voters of California Education Fund to Transition to Vote411 for Ballot Planning
The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund (LWVCEF) is thrilled to announce an upgrade to its voter empowerment tools. Beginning with the 2024 election cycle, Californians looking for election information from the LWVCEF will use VOTE411 as their new ballot planning tool. Read more....
Mental Health Study Update and Meeting Schedule for 2023

The Mental Health Study Group will meet once a month to continue gathering information on mental health services that nonprofit agencies provide in Yolo County as well as boards and commissions delegated to provide oversight for mental health services. This information will assist the League in focusing on different areas to develop our position statement.
The first meeting will be virtual (via Zoom) and held on August 30 at 12:00 noon. Thereafter the meetings will be held on the fourth Wednesday of the month [9/27, 10/25, 11/29 (due to Thanksgiving)] at 12:00 noon in-person or virtually depending on the consensus of the study group.
If you are interested in participating in the study and would like to attend the August 30 meeting, please email Janet Ruggiero at jmruggiero [at] sbcglobal.net to receive an invitation. READ MORE...
LWVC Hosts Video Presentation About the Brown Act, California's Public Meeting Legislation
Watch: Know Your Rights - California Public Meetings - (firstamendmentcoalition.org)
Hosted by the League of Women Voters of California, the First Amendment Coalition's open-government experts provided an in-depth presentation on your rights to access public meetings in California on Tuesday, January 31.
The presentation focused on the Ralph M. Brown Act's open-meeting requirements for local legislative bodies, including recent law changes that affect teleconferencing and decorum rules. The session covered your right to give public comment and what restrictions government bodies can place on the public; what government business can be done behind closed doors; common complaints from members of the public about accessing and participating in meetings; and where First Amendment speech protections intersect with the government’s ability to manage proceedings.