

About the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County, VA

The League of Women Voters, Montgomery County, Virginia

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The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters of Montgomery County organized in 1971. Since then, it has been actively involved in educating and registering voters and in studying issues of importance to Montgomery County, Virginia government.

Members represent a variety of political parties with personal viewpoints on the full spectrum of political beliefs, but all value the nonpartisan work of the League of Women Voters and its mission to educate voters and encourage their participation in the democratic system of governance. JoinVolunteer or Donate to support the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County, VA


Watch and listen to a history of this league as we celebrated 50 years of action in Montgomery County. Catch up on past newsletters, studies, and issues:


  • Organizing candidate forums for local and county elections
  • Preparing a “voter guide” on candidates, always in a nonpartisan way
  • Compiling its annual directory of public officials serving Montgomery County at the national, state, county, and local levels, with information on voting and registration (“Facts”); distributing the directory through government offices, libraries, businesses, and other public places
  • Conducting a study on school funding in Montgomery County
  • Sponsoring or co-sponsoring public education events, such as the forums on gerrymandering and voting rights and voter suppression
  • Co-sponsoring, with the Lifelong Learning Institute at Virginia Tech, the community discussion group, Great Decisions
  • Registering people to vote
  • Publishing a newsletter, bulletin, with information on elections and issues of interest

The first study it undertook, in January 1974, compared Blacksburg's 1952 Charter with those of other Virginia municipalities and with the Model City Charter of the National Civic League. The study group recommended a new Charter for the Town of Blacksburg, and the membership voted consensus on this September 1974. The Town formed a Charter Commission that included two League members. This Commission presented its report and recommended a new Charter for the Town in November 1974. Blacksburg Town Council approved this new Charter that December.

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Officers and Board of Directors

Board members serve 2 yr terms from June 1 to May 30. The current serving Board roster:

Interim President Deborah Travis when filled
Vice President Deborah Travis 2026
Vice President: Voter Service Cyndy Graham 2026
Secretary Mirian Silverman 2026
Treasurer Becky Chirhart 2026
Director: Membership Necia Evans 2025
Director: Facts Co-Chair Elaine Powers 2025
Director: Facts Co-Chair + Communications Assistant Susan Terwilliger 2025
Director: Communications Coordinator Carolyn Rude 2025
Director: Programs Beth Obenshain 2026
Director: Legislative Action open  
Director: Events Lynn Brammer 2025
Director: DEI Representative David Travis Jr. 2025
Director at Large Elva Miller 2025

To learn more about the duties of each Officer and Director, as well as the activities of this Chapter, see Board Roles and Responsibilities. Please contact us with any inquiries. See also a directory of Leagues within the United States

Poet Nikki Giovanni explains why she will always vote.