

Join the League

Join the League/Renew Your Membership


Why Should I Join?

By joining the League of Women Voters, you will:

  • contribute valuable service to the community.
  • gain knowledge and experience through the study and discussion of timely and important topics.
  • discover new interests, develop new skills and learn about crucial issues in your community.
  • make professional contacts and develop lasting friendships as you meet others in League who share your interests.
  • know that your membership dues add to our grassroots strength and our financial resources.

Who are the Members?

Membership in the League of Women Voters, is open to men and women age 16 and above. Members join local leagues and are automatically members of the National and State League of Women Voters

What Do I Get?

Membership in the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County also includes membership at the national and state levels. Members receive the National Voter, the Virginia Voter, and the Montgomery County Bulletin, newsletters of the national, state, and local chapters. You will have the knowledge that you are adding your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington DC and the Virgin Islands.

How Much Time Does it Take?

It's up to you! Members meet for lunch on the first Tuesday of each month to learn about and discuss current issues. We organize other formal and informal programs throughout the year, such as panel discussions on current topics. We conduct studies on current issues, such as funding of public schools.

Many members choose to support the League only with their annual dues. Your membership alone gives us the influence to build a voice for citizens and a force for change.

How Much Does It Cost?

  • $50/year or pay as you can

A Note About Dues & Contributions

Contributions are our most important foundation in providing voter information. Without your support we wouldn’t be able to be effective in our work. Please include all contributions by separate check, this will enable us to use them 100% in our local League activities, events and programs. Otherwise, they are counted as dues. If you prefer to donate without joining, we would appreciate your support.

How Do I Join?

DOWNLOAD MEMBERSHIP FORM. Complete and mail it with your check to League of Women Voters of Montgomery County, VA, P.O. Box 10133, Blacksburg, VA 24062-0133. Contact us at league.mcva [at] We would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

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