LWVNCC Video Coverage in 2020

LWVNCC Video Coverage in 2020


Here's a roundup of recent videos we've found posted online that feature the League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) or LWVNCC members.

1. Sept 2020 - Delaware Historical and Culural Affairs annual Chautauqua. This year's theme was "Women’s Work: Campaigning for Social Change," and LWVNCC presented a segment on Saturday 9/19 at 4 pm. This video features several of our local League committee chairs explaining our League's mission and activities.


2. Oct 2020 - Dr. Twin B Brown "Spiritual Revival Hour" Wilmington TV Show.  LWVNCC Board member Carol Holt represented the League of Women Voters to talk about the importance of voting and making your voice heard.


3. Oct 2020 - DelawareOnline video on working the polls.  LWVNCC member Cara Gaudino talked with News Journal reporters about why she volunteered to work the polls this year.

link to news story

4. Oct 2020 - NCC Comprehensive Plan video.  Land Use & Transportation Co-Chair Peggy Schultz was featured prominently in the county video inviting resident input into the NCC2050 planning process.

link to MyLO article 

5. Oct 2020 - Voting Information SeminarsLWVNCC members Jill Itzkowitz, Patti Christopher, Alan Evantash, Karen Barker, Kim Wells and others presented voting and VOTE411 information to various community groups via Zoom web conference. This recorded presentation for the Delaware Contemporary Museum features Patti, Jill and Kim.

link to MyLO article

6. August 2020 - Millenial Summit video.  LWVNCC member Jenn Wells represented LWV in a discussion about  engagement in the local political process on August 20, 2020.


Kudos to our League members for getting out and getting heard!