NewsCOVID ELECTIONS FUND Ensuring Voter Safety During a Pandemic
The League of Women Voters Education Fund launched the COVID Elections Fund to reduce the crippling impacts of the coronavirus on voters.
How Does the League of Women Voters Help?
- In the coming weeks and months, the League will invest in technology and training to:
- Protect 4 million voters by working with elections officials to ensure safe and accessible voter options during the coronavirus pandemic
- Mobilize 1 million voters to cast their votes and make their voices heard
- Register 500,000 new voters, especially targeting young people and new citizens to participate in our electoral process
- Support more than 6 million voters through massive online voter education and outreach
Issues referenced by this article:
Voting rights are under attack.
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LWVRI - Advocacy - IssuesLWVRI - Elections - Voter Service - CivicsLeague to which this content belongs:
Rhode Island