Local Leagues and Activities

Local Leagues and Activities

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Rhode Island is a small state and League activities are open to all members of the League in Rhode Island regardless of local League affiliation. Please help us with events, advocacy, voter service, or even just enjoy a book with us. To see some of our activities, try the "Committee" links below. Join the League!

Newport County          Providence          South County          Book Club          Observer Corps                    


The LWVRI board met on February 14th 2025 to set its priorities for the upcoming year. The National League suggested that all State and Local Leagues use a model that would help outline priorities for the first hundred days of the new administration. The model that was suggested required leagues to set gold, silver and bronze priorities:

Gold Priorities are those for which the League provides leadership. The League is a leader in defending democracy, election administration, election rights, voter access, and reproductive health care for women. In RI the League primarily advocates for Voters’ Rights, Civic Education, Access to Public Records, Open Meetings, Women’s Reproductive Freedom, Gun Safety, Climate Mitigation, and Immigration.

Silver Priorities are those we primarily support through Partnerships. The League joins with coalitions that act on issues that the League supports to create a greater impact. Partnerships that we are working with to help navigate the first one hundred days in Rhode Island include the RI Voting Access Coalition which we helped found with Common Cause, Access Rhode Island, Generation Citizen and the RI Coalition for Civic Education, the RI Coalition for Reproductive Freedom, the RI Coalition Against Gun Violence, Mom’s Demand Action, the Women’s Fund of RI, The Immigrant Coalition of RI and Conexion Latina.

Bronze Priorities are those we track but may not play an active role on in the first one hundred days. We depend on other groups to keep us informed on any actions needed in these areas. These groups include the Environment Council of RI (ECRI); Climate Action RI; Save the Bay, the National Education Association (NEA); the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA), Steve Ahlquist, Progressive RI Journalist. The LWVRI will also continue to monitor efforts to rid the county of the Electoral College.

- Christine Stenning

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