The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that voting is a fundamental citizen right that must be guaranteed (LWVUS Position March 1982). Current issues are: Expanding Voter Access, Redistricting, Money in Politics, and Fighting Voter Suppression
The national League is also working on Educating Voters and Increasing Voter Registration
See the complete LWV US position in Impact on Issues pgs. 23
The League is currently working on the Let RI Vote campaign, a project of the Rhode Island Voting Access Coalition. The coalition is a collection of community groups and other organizations working to advance the cause of voting rights in Rhode Island. To see information about coalition plans and partners: https://letrivote.org/ Let RI Vote|Facebook
RIVAC's bill 2022:
The Let RI Vote Act (omnibus bill)
H7100 Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections
S2007 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary
Update! The Let RI Vote Act is now law! Watch the signing ceremony
2022-06-07 House Signed by Governor
2022-05-31 House Transmitted to Governor
2022-05-24 Senate Senate passed Sub A in concurrence
2022-05-20 Senate Placed on Senate Calendar (05/24/2022)
2022-05-17 House House passed Sub A
Over the years the LWV RI has maintained an intense interest in voting and elections, and conducted numerous studies long before "hanging chads" became part of our national lexicon. Our studies covered: Voter Registration, Mail Ballots, Election Day Procedures, Poll Workers, Polling Places, Early Voting, Unified Voter Registration System, Voting Machines, and Redistricting. Note: Although RI studies pointed to making voting by mail easier, we never dreamed that we'd want to drop in person voting all together.
Prior to the advent of online voter information League members provided Voter Information phone lines on Election Days and prior to "Motor Voter" provided registrars for Voter Registration at schools, businesses, and events.
Join the Let RI Vote campaign!
This legislation is our top legislative priority this year.
The 'Let RI Vote Act' has officially been introduced in both the House and Senate, with many great co-sponsors already signed on! Bill numbers have been assigned, and you can view the bill text here: H7100 / S2007. The 'Let RI Vote Act' will make the temporary changes from 2020 permanent and improve voting access by removing barriers to the ballot in Rhode Island. Check out the attachment for talking points and facts about how people voted in the 2020 election.
Please join the Let RI Vote 2022 Launch on Tuesday, January 25 at 3:00 PM. Due to pandemic restrictions, this will be a virtual event to ensure supporters can join us safely.
Please share the link to the FB Live event page and encourage your community members to attend!
Links to RI League positions on: Election Procedures, Voting Procedures, Voter Registration System, Voting Machines, Redistricting