Protecting our right to know is integral to the health of our democracy. Decisions that determine how our schools will be run, at what level community safety programs will be funded, and how land in our towns will be used impact our lives and are vital to our well-being. These kinds of decisions need to be made with public input and oversight. One important way to ensure that is to observe government meetings.
The Providence League has recruited some members to attend public meetings and send us reports which will be available here. This is a fledgling effort and as of now the format for reports is in a process of development as we learn more.
Anyone who is interested in becoming a League Observer, please contact either Liz Head <emhead603 [at] hotmail.com> or Joan Retsinas <joan.retsinas [at] gmail.com>.
Board of Elections
Providence City Council - City Council YouTube Channel - 2022-23 Budget Documents (courtesy of Sam Zurier) - Committee on Ward Boundaries - Charter Review Commission
Providence School Board - School Board YouTube Channel - Council on Elementary and Secondary Education
United Nations - LWVUS
Climate Change - LWVUS
Please note: Due to some Google Drive changes there may be problems accessing some reports. If so, notify Hollie at hucourage [at] hotmail.com)
House and Senate Committee Calendars:
Meeting notices include: Agendas, How to watch if available, Access to Documents
House and Senate Floor Calendars:
See Capitol TV to watch sessions.