The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that democratic government depends upon informed and active participation at all levels of government.
Active Issues
Civics Education Education Funding Environment/Climate Change
Gun Safety Library Funding Open Government
Voting Rights Women's Health
The Legislative year in Rhode Island begins in January and normally ends in June. Each year, the League chooses certain issues of focus for the year. However, the League continues to follow other issues related to the League positions and principles and will act on a non-priority issue if a situation arises.
If you are interested in an issue that is not listed on the priority list, contact advocacy [at] lwvri.org. The committee is always looking for members who may be interested in following additional issues locally, statewide, or nationwide.
LWVUS positions - See the Menu for LWVRI positions
See the latest news from the LWVUS and see ways you can Take Action. The LWVUS is also working on Census, Immigration and Health Care Reform which are not currently active in RI. A new Legal Center on LWV.org showcases where the League is fighting for voters' rights and civil rights in courts around the country.
Another resource for issues which are not a priority in Rhode Island is the League of Women Voters Clearinghouse - https://clearinghouse.lwv.org The purpose of this site is to share League study documents among some 800 national, state and local Leagues and with the public. Leagues can save time by not needing to create study materials from scratch and see how other Leagues have approached a tough issue.
Follow the LWVRI on Twitter @LWVRI and/or on Facebook
Senate meeting notices include: Agendas, How to watch
House and Senate Floor Calendars:
See Capitol TV to watch sessions.
Bill Status to check the status of current or past bills
Open Government Center - RI Secretary of State
Public and Civic Information/Government Contacts/Government Transparency