The Book Group has proved to be a great new League institution. In addition to having a good time and meeting new people, we've learned a lot of history (The Revolutionary: Samuel Adams by Stacy Schiff), current events (True Biz by Sara Novic), and outstanding people (Finding Me by Viola Davis). On the lighter side, we read a lighthearted book about the "glamorous" life of flight attendants before deregulation by local author Ann Hood (Fly Girl by Ann Hood). We also take field trips to historic local places.
Meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of the month at 1:00pm. All are welcome to join us.
To learn more about the Book Group, email Hollie Courage at hucourage [at] hotmail.com or call Linda Jenkins at 401-816-0331 and leave a message.
Check the Calendar. Contact Hollie or Linda for details of the next meeting.
Meeting plans are sent out via an emailing list. To join our email list, go to: https://groups.io/g/LWVRIbooks