DE Court Fines & Fees System - Panel Discussion

DE Court Fines & Fees System - Panel Discussion

End Debtors' Prisons - We need to change the court fines & fees system in Delaware


(virtual event)
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 - 7:00pm to Thursday, December 10, 2020 - 6:45pm

Delaware's Court Fines & Fees: A Modern Debtor's Prison?

(Second of a 2-part series)
Wednesday, December 9th, 2020 @ 7:00 pm
We would like to think “debtor’s prison” is a thing of the past. The Campaign to End Debtor’s Prison invites you to attend the second of our two-part series on Delaware’s fines and fees system, collateral consequences, potential solutions, and collaborative reforms. Join us as we learn more from our state officials and a national policy expert. Your voice is important in moving us forward in effective reforms!

If you missed November’s Part I Panel Discussion, you can view the Part 1 video recording and/or view the Part 1 PowerPoint presentation as background information on the issue.

December Panelists

  • Senator Darius J. Brown, Delaware State Senate
  • Bethany Hall-Long, Delaware Lieutenant Governor
  • Kathleen Jennings, Delaware Attorney General
  • Priya Sarathy Jones, Washington, DC Fines & Fees Justice Center
  • Gayle P. Lafferty, Delaware State Court Administrator
  • Others to be announced


Sponsored by Campaign to End Debtor’s Prison, Network Delaware
In collaboration with:
- Building People Power Campaign
- Coalition to Dismantle the New Jim Crow
- Coalition for Smart Justice
- Delaware Center for Justice
- Delaware United
- League of Women Voters, NCC
- Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League