As our League's first General Membership Meeting of 2021, join us and other League leaders from around the state for a phone conversation with Lynn Teague, LWVSC Vice President for Issues & Advocacy and our unpaid state lobbyist. She will be covering upcoming legislative issues and bills. There will also be time for questions.
The fate of our democracy cannot and should not be treated as a spectator's sport. This past year, because of the League's strong and persistent advocacy efforts--and yours, we realized an important SC General Assembly victory: legislation, signed by the Governor, granting absentee voting for all eligible voters for the Primary election in June and then again for the General election in the fall.
The S.C. General Assembly will convene the 2021 legislative session on Tuesday, January 12 so now is the time for all of us to rededicate our advocacy efforts directed toward good government.
The League will be addressing many issues this year, as always. The highest priorities, areas in which we know there will be much legislative activity and in which the League assumes a leadership role among allied organizations, are
- Voting and elections,
- Redistricting, and
- Opposition to federal constitutional convention resolutions.
We also expect to support racial justice initiatives, oppose efforts to restrict women’s reproductive choices, support environmental protection, and much more.
The call with Lynn Teague will take place on Monday, January 18 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. LWV members who wish to participate in this conference call, please contact MaryAnn Bromley, LWVHHI-BA State Issues & Advocacy Chair, at the contact information below to receive the phone number and PIN.
Following this meeting and the LWVSC LEAD meeting on Friday, January 23, a State Issues & Advocacy Committee Meeting will be held in early February (via ZOOM) to develop our local LWVHHI-Bluffton agenda and action plan for the year. For more information on the LWVSC LEAD meeting go to and click on SC Voter Winter 2021 .
Thank you all so much for all your advocacy work, especially during this challenging and difficult time.