LWV Bay Area Council -- all invited!

LWV Bay Area Council -- all invited!

mosaic of two women talking, hand with flower


online, via Zoom
Saturday, May 1, 2021 - 10:00am to 12:30pm

Call to Council: LWVBA Biennial Council Meeting 2021

Saturday, May 1st  10-12:30 pm

Action, Advocacy and Collaboration: League Town Hall

League leaders are invited to participate in the League of Women Voters Bay Area biennial Council meeting. The Agenda will focus on League priorities at the regional and local level with policy briefings on Climate Change--Sustainability; and Housing, Homelessness and Plan Bay Area 2050 implications, with speakers from LWV Berkeley, Albany & Emeryville's Climate Change group, and Michael Lane from SPUR.

A League Town Hall with Leagues and County Councils is the special feature. This Town Hall interactive forum is about "League Action, Advocacy and Collaboration". League leaders will share their specific local League priorities for 2021-22 and report out successes during this pandemic climate and challenges---a time for League members to speak out and connect, with ample time for Q&A. Don't miss out, and sign up now!


Intro:  League video

10:05   Update on League of Women Voters Bay Area 

  • Looking forward to 2021-22,
  • Reporting out on new communication tools, website, digital Monitor publication
  • Use of Bay Area League Directory
  • Meet LWVBA Board

10:20    Policy Briefings

  • Climate change-sustainability priorities:  Speakers from LWV Berkeley, Albany & Emeryville Climate Change group
  • Housing/homeless strategies/Plan Bay Area 2050: SPUR speaker Michael Lane

11:00    League Town Hall: an interactive forum for Bay Area local leagues and County Councils to share their priorities for 2021-22, reporting out their League priorities, successes during this pandemic climate, and challenges---a time for League members to speak out and connect.

12:30  Closing Announcements: LWVC Convention in 2022, and future Community Dialogues 

Co-hosting Leagues: 
The Bay Area
Issues referenced by this event: