The League of Women Voters believes that sensible, responsible civil discourse and action – based on substance rather than partisanship – are essential for civic improvement. We rely on the support of donors like you who value the nonpartisan voter education and good-government advocacy on which our nine-decades-old reputation is built.
Your donation can help us make democracy work.
- Tax-deductible contributions to the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Columbus provide direct support for our citizen education, voter service, and public engagement activities.
Ways to contribute:
- You can make a one time credit or debit card donation online safely and securely using the Donate PayPal button below.
- You can make recurring online donations on a monthly basis by selecting the monthly donation amount from the pulldown menu below and then clicking Subscriptions Paypal button.
- If you prefer, you can mail a check directly to the League office (6500 Busch Blvd., Suite 129, Columbus, OH 43229).
- Contribute to LWVMC through the Columbus Foundation. Click here to be taken to the Columbus Foundation's website.
- A full list of ways to give can be found here.