Action Alert: John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act Support Needed Now

Action Alert: John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act Support Needed Now

Image of John Lewis and words John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Nov 04 2021 to Nov 30 2021

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act updates the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that was gutted by several decisions by the US Supreme Court over the past 10 years.  

A summary of the bill can be found here:

The bill directly addresses the issues identified in the Supreme Court decisions, and restores the power of the Act to protect minority voters.   

Please contact Montana's Senators and urge them to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act when they return from their November recess on November 15.  Here's how:

Senator Tester: call Missoula office:  (406) 728-3003
Or email:

Senator Daines:  call Missoula office:  (406) 549-8198
Or email:

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act will restore the Voting Rights Act to its original protections by reviewing and blocking anti-voter policies that too often target voters of color.  

In July 2021 the Supreme Court decision in the case of Brnovich v. DNC made it harder to challenge voter discrimination in the courts. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act will provide the federal government with tools to review and challenge future discriminatory voting laws before they are implemented. 

We need the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act now, before our next cycle of federal elections.  The Voting Rights Act has long had bipartisan support.  It is time to call on every member of Congress to support this legislation that will strengthen our democracy and guarantee the protection of every voter in our nation.

The League of Women Voters strongly supports both the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the For the People Act. Together, these two pieces of legislation will create national standards for voting rights that ensure all Americans can safely and freely cast their ballots, that every voice is heard, and that our elections reflect the will of all the people.