February 2022 - Where we are Headed in 2022

February 2022 - Where we are Headed in 2022

President's Message by Richard Johnson
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) President Richard Johnson's message for Februrary 2022 is included below...

I just want to emphasize that it is important for NOT only Board Members but everyone who is a member of the LWV to attend the February 8th ZOOM meeting. The meeting should give all members better clarity and insight in into the direction the League of Women Voters US is headed in 2022.

In our New Castle County board meeting in December there was a great deal of discussion among the new board members clarifying what the roles and responsibilities are for each board member. In our January meeting, our focus was on how our membership interfaced with the state. We came up with the key people that would represent LWVNCC with the state and report back each meeting. The key people are

      • Energy and Climate Change – Ann Lopez
      • Land Use/Transportation – Tiffany Lydon
      • Education - Ivonne Antongiorgi
      • Advocacy - Marj Johnson
      • Vote - Patti Christopher
      • New Citizens – Lorraine Botticelli
      • Fundraising – Lorraine Botticelli

At that same meeting members felt it was important for LWVNCC leadership group to be grounded on active work in key areas.

    • Board alignment on top 3 goals for the quarter
    • Those goals would be a starting point to develop specific objectives, key actions & responsibilities assigned.
    • Board discussion / input / alignment on our key goals.
    • Define board members responsible to support each committee they sit on for the state
    • Develop a simple standard template for all committees to use and report to the entire board.

As you can see it is still a work in progress and we will keep you informed as we work through the process.

.-- Dick Johnson

League to which this content belongs: 
New Castle County