Blog Postby Leslie Stewart, Nominating Committee Chair
You joined the League to make a difference -- here’s your chance! We need a strong and healthy organization to get our voter education and action/advocacy done over the next year, and we could use your help.
Ready to jump into the front lines?
Ready to jump into the front lines?
- Voter Services will need lots of help this election year, from assistants at televised roundtables and live forums to Pros & Cons speakers on the ballot measures to voter registration and education. We have a great team – you can join it or you can lead it (we’re looking for a new Chair)!
- Join the Board as a Team Leader (or Co-Leader) in an area where you’re already active, or as an At-Large Director, filling in where needed. We have openings from President (1-year commitment) to Voter Services and Membership Co-Chairs. You can be the one!
Or learn more about the League while supporting our leaders doing Action/Advocacy, Voters Service and so much more. Use your skills to help the League as follows:
- Communications, from email blasts to social media – help educate the public and keep our members up-to-date! We’re looking for team members at both Board and off-Board levels.
- Board Organizer (Administrative Vice President): We need a “Gal (or Guy) Friday”! Keep the leadership team moving by managing the details – help plan meetings, respond to requests for information from other levels of League, and do other essential tasks. An insider job, where you will see it all!
Want to find out more about these opportunities, or maybe something that isn’t on this list? Concerned about time commitments? See the Volunteer page for more opportunities to get involved, or contact Nominating Committee Chair Leslie Stewart at leslie [at] lwvdv.org (subject: Nominating%20Committee%20response) .
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