LWVNCC Annual Membership Meeting slated for June 13, 2022

LWVNCC Annual Membership Meeting slated for June 13, 2022

LWVNCC (League of Women Voters of New Castle County) Annual Meeting held virtually this year via Zoom

League of Women Voters of New Castle County invites all members (or prospective members) to the Virtual Annual Meeting to be held on Monday, June 13, 2022, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Come and learn about the work the League has been doing and be a part of determining what the focus of LWVNCC should be for the coming year(s) and what you would like to see the League accomplish. Meet your new board nominees and vote on budgets and a bylaw amendment.

What's your League been doing this past year... do you know? There will be photos and committee reports so you can become aware of all the great things LWV's been doing in NCC.

Register in advance for this meeting: LWVNCC Annual Meeting Registration (June 13, 2022)

You can log on in advance at 6 pm for conversation and social time.

Annual Meeting Agenda

6:30 CALL TO ORDER (Richard Johnson, President)
    • Acceptance of the Minutes of 2021 Annual Meeting (copy available in office)
    • Appointment of Parliamentarian
    • Appointment of two people to approve the 2022 minutes (need volunteers)
    • Year-end Treasurer’s Report—Liz Carlisle (copies on share screen)
6:45 NEW BUSINESS (for action by the members)
    • Presentation and adoption of proposed Amended Bylaws—
    • Presentation and adoption of proposed per-member-payment for FY 2022-23: $60; additional household member: $30; Student membership: free (Scholarships available) (Finance Committee: Marj Johnson makes the motion) Usually if the budget is changed one may need to confirm the dues)
    • Presentation and adoption of Proposed Budget 2022-23— Marj Johnson
    • Presentation of slate of proposed Nominees—Linda Barnett
    • Nominating Committee: Linda Barnett, chair
    • Nominations from the floor
    • Election of Officers and Directors 2022-2023
    • Report from LWVDE Council 2022
    • President’s Address—Richard Johnson
    • Recognition of board members
    • Directions to the New Board


Board of Director Nominees

The LWVNCC Nominating Committee will present the following slate of nominees for open Board seats. Nominations can also be taken from the floor, but only with the prior knowledge and consent of the nominee.

Please refer to the May/June 2022 LWVNCC VOTER Newsletter for brief biographies introducing you to this year's nominees.


Vice President; Marjorie Johnson 2022-2023 (to complete K. Stanley’s term)
Treasurer: Ronald McKinney 2022- 2024

Headshot photos - Marjorie Johnson and Ronald J. McKinney


Lorraine S. Botticelli 2022-2023
Carlene Clark 2022-2024
Joyce Ford 2022-2024
Chuck Gebhart 2022-2024
Carol Holt 2022-2023
Leslie K. Lynch 2022-2024

Headshot photos - Lorraine Botticelli, Carlene Clark, Joyce Ford, Chuck Gebhart, Carol Holt, Leslie K. Lynch


Continuing in Office:

President: Richard Johnson 2021-2023
Secretary: Ann Lopez 2021-2023
Director: Tiffany Geyer Lydon 2021-2023

Headshot photos - Richard Johnson, Ann Lopez, Tiffany Geyer Lydon

Nominating Committee (2022-2023):

Linda Barnett, Chair
Ivonne Antongiorgi
Kristen Brownlee

Headshot photos - Linda Barnett, Norma Ivonne Antongiorgi, Kristin Brownlee

As specified in the Bylaws, two Board members will be appointed to the nominating committee later in the year.

Proposed Bylaws Amendment

A proposal will be presented to remove remove the 2nd Vice Present officer position from the LWVNCC Bylaws, leaving a single Vice President position instead. Although the Board has been functioning with a single Vice President for some months now, Bylaw changes require a vote of the membership at the annual meeting.

League to which this content belongs: 
New Castle County