
zoom web conference
Delaware US
Saturday, June 18, 2022 - 10:00am

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County invites you to our monthly TED Discussion, held on third Saturdays via Zoom web conference.

The meeting format is to watch the TED Talk and then discuss the "Ideas Worth Sharing." Contact discussion moderator Kay Palmer for details.

June Topic - TBD 

Kay will surprise us in June 18th. Mark your calendar for this recurring Zoom discussion on third Saturdays each month... with potentially some breaks in the summer depending on interest level.

April Topic - Climate Action

The international scientific consensus is a target of ‘net-zero’ carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050, based on 2010 emission levels. The theory is that the planet will keep heating up for as long as global emissions remain more than zero. But what does this really mean? Ozawa Bineshi Albert, our TED Talk presenter for May, lays out her perspective on the realities of ‘net-zero in her presentation “Climate Action Needs New Frontline Leadership.” Ms. Albert points out that: “We can't rely on those who created climate change to fix it.” Though there are some harsh realities in the conversations on getting to net zero, Ms. Albert also gives some great examples of new, innovative, and creative ideas stemming from frontline leaders on real solutions to our concerning climate situation..

Ozawa Bineshi Albert portrait from TED Speaker profile page

Climate justice organizer Ozawa Bineshi Albert lives in the heart of the oil and gas industrial part of our country, Tulsa OK. As an indigenous person, she has a firsthand perspective on the “alarming disconnect between empty promises made by corporations and the actual needs of communities on the ground.” She has a special urgency in identifying real solutions to shift the direction of our environmental change.

As LWV members, each one of us is a frontline leader. Join us in viewing and discussing this thoughtful presentation for ideas on how we can shift our leadership on this important topic.

Please pre-register using the link provided above.