Nov 2022 - A Recap or Our Busy October

Nov 2022 - A Recap or Our Busy October

President's Message by Richard Johnson
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) President Richard Johnson's message for November 2022 is included below...

I wanted to reach out and thank all those members that participated in all of our October activities. It is through your dedication and willingness to showing up that made the following activities a success.

October 6 – Annual fund raiser – Many of you came out to support our fundraising efforts at the BBC Restaurant and Tavern in Greenville. Everyone that attended had a great time. It was an opportunity to see such celebrity bartenders as Peggy Shultz and Matt Meyer helping us to raise money. The evening was a good success with our League raising $2,000.

October 6 – New Citizens Naturalization Ceremony – US District Court of Delaware – Every month the League of Women Voters of New Castle County are present to hand out voting information and materials to applicants that are being sworn in as new citizens. This is one of the most moving experiences that I have felt. We are always looking for people to help in this monthly event. If you want to feel positive about our country, I encourage you to volunteer.

October 11 & 25 - I can’t thank Carol Walsh enough for putting together two great and successful voter forums. The first was October 11 at the Newark Senior Center with candidates from Representative District 25, Cyndie Romer and Lynn Mey. The second was October 25th at the Hockessin Public Library where we welcomed the candidates from State Senate District 4, Ted Kittila, and Laura Sturgeon. Both events had great turn out. These forums are the best way to reach the public for local races by offering an in-person forum, which gives the voters the opportunity to see and hear from the candidates personally. The League is dedicated to promoting informed and active participation in government; these forums are an important part of that voter service.

October 16 - NAACP Freedom Fund Awards – Members of our organization attended and supported this event in Newark. Congratulations to those individuals recognized for their contributions.

October 23rd - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Bellevue State Park - This is the first year that LWVNCC participated in the event. Our table was visible at the event, and we got a lot of interest. One very special part of the event drew a lot of children to our table to participate in their first time to vote. Their choice was CATS or DOGS. The winner in that election was DOGS.

October - Voter information and registration events - During the month of October we participated in over 10 events where we were visible and encouraged people to get registered and to vote. Thanks go to Patti Christopher for coordinating those activities, and she is always looking for volunteers.

As you can see the New Castle County League is very involved in a lot of activities. I encourage the entire membership to think about volunteering for some of these events. Now that we are slowly getting past COVID your League offers you an opportunity to get out and meet people. This is a chance to build new relationships and more importantly have fun. Please consider the opportunity.

.-- Dick Johnson

League to which this content belongs: 
New Castle County