The Greene Turtle
391 N DuPont Highway
See map: Google Maps
Delaware US
Tuesday, January 24, 2023 - 4:30pm
LWVKC Let's Talk
An invitation from Dr. Chandra Owens, President of LWVKC:
I am inviting you out to Dinner and a Meeting on Tuesday, January 24th at 4:30 pm at The Greene Turtle of Dover to discuss how this League will lead the way to make a difference with the Legislative session and beyond. It is time to gather our minds and renew our spirits to push the League of Women (& Men) Voters forward to mobilization, education, and engagement.
Here is the link for gathering the names of attendees for our Jan 24th dinner in which we will go over a few topics as a learning opportunity.
If you have any questions, please let me, or the other officers know. I am looking forward to a room full of League enthusiasts.