Voter Services Stays Active in the “Off Season”
Recently, the Antioch Public Library invited the LWVDV and the Elections Office to do Voter Registration tabling on February 3rd and 17th. Shawn Gilbert tabled with Karen Tedford.
Ms. Mackenzie Hoey (shown in photo), a LWVDV member and senior at Carondelet High, has set up two DIY Voter Registration Centers on the campus as part of her community service goals, one in the library and one in the college career center.
CONGRATULATIONS to Martha Goralka for her super work in organizing and overseeing all of the candidate forums (and the roundtables) this past election cycle. Martha’s dedication and also the focused work of all of the League moderators and volunteers ensured that all candidate forums provided impartial and civil spaces for communities to hear the views of the various candidates.
We received a letter and award for this work:
“Dear Martha & the League of Women Voters - Diablo Valley,
We are pleased to announce that the League of Women Voters of the Diablo Valley have been selected to receive an Honorary Service Award from the Thirty-Second District PTA for your work in support of families and children throughout Contra Costa County.
We simply could not have provided the civil discourse needed for the school district boards elections in our area, prior to the November 2022 election, without the partnership of the League of Women Voters - Diablo Valley.”
Martha, Anne Granlund, and Shawn Gilbert attended the 32nd PTA’s Founders’ Day Celebration and Awards night on February 17th in Antioch to receive the Honorary Service Award for LWVDV.
The Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union in Martinez has once again asked LWVDV to oversee and count their election ballots. The counting will take place on April 26th for their general meeting on April 27th. The time is to be determined. As of this report, Marielle Boortz and Carol Murota have volunteered to participate in this valuable community service toward making democracy work. If you would like to be a part of this process, please contact voter.services [at] lwvdv.org.
The Voter Services Team has met twice over the past month to review the LWVDV’s candidate forums documents. A new document was created with clearer directions to partners about the process. There are now five nearly-finalized documents including a moderator’s script and a candidate invitation form.
by Shawn Gilbert, Voter Services Co-Chair
Photos by Shawn Gilbert