LWVAC 2023 Annual Meeting

LWVAC 2023 Annual Meeting

White LWVAC Logo over Red Box with White text Annual Meeting May 23, 2023 @ 5:30 PM
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 5:30pm

All  LWVAC members are invited to join us for our Annual Meeting on Tuesday, May 23 at 5:30 pm via Zoom. 

We will be voting on our 2023-2024 Board members, budget, and local program. The April Voter will include the Nominating Committee’s proposed slate, the Budget Committee’s proposed budget, and the Standing Committees’ local programs. Watch your inboxes for more details. The April Voter will contain the documents on which we will vote.

Register to attend here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Questions about the issues or documents? Email info [at] lwv-alachua.org (Janice Garry or a board member) for clarification.

Can't attend but would like to vote on the issues at hand? Email info [at] lwv-alachua.org (Janice Garry) with your votes no later than 5 pm on Monday, May 22.

Not a member yet? Join here

Contact Information
Janice Garry
info [at] lwv-alachua.org