Complete the City of Gainesville Climate Action Plan Survey

Complete the City of Gainesville Climate Action Plan Survey

Complete the Climate Plan blue and green text next to QR Code and caucasian hands holding blue and green globe
Time Range For Action Alert: 
June 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024

The City of Gainesville is currently conducting a survey to help build a Climate Action Plan. Please let the City know that climate change action is important to you by completing the survey on the development of a City Climate Action Plan.

QR Code

QR Code to Gainesville Survey














If you wish to receive updates and continue to provide your input during the development and implementation of the Climate Action Plan, please contact %20climateaction [at] (Chief Climate Officer).

Your time and feedback is appreciated!

Issues referenced by this action alert: 
This action alert is related to which committees: 
Natural Resources