Affordable housing has been an ongoing concern in Lee County. This unmet need was documented in the 2020 Lee County Gap Analysis. This need has become more critical to vulnerable populations and those without the resources to recover following Ian.
Our speakers are Michael Allan, the founder and President of ReVital Development Group. ReVital Development Group is a real estate development firm whose mission is to preserve, create and sustain high quality, safe and affordable housing that supports economic security and access to opportunity for all. Since 2013, the principals of ReVital have developed over $275 million of multifamily, senior housing, and commercial projects in Florida. This includes over 1,300 residential units, 240 senior housing units, and 50,000 square feet of retail and commercial space. www.revitaldevelopment.com
Ali Ankudowich, AICP, is a Land Use and Planning Technical Adviser with the Florida Housing Coalition. Ali served as six years as a Senior Planner in Community Planning & Design with the Benesch Tampa office. Ali's skill sets include the de50,00velopment of comprehensive plans and land development code amendments, policy analysis, project management and managing engagements with the public and private sector. Ali is a graduate of Smith College, (Magna Cum Laude), and received her Master's in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of California, Los Angeles.