The Alachua County Community Health Improvement Planning Steering Committee Requesting Feedback from Alachua County Residents
Published on 11/2/2023
This press release was published at the request of the Florida Department of Health in Alachua County.
Alachua County residents are invited to share their views about health and health care in the county by taking a 15-minute survey. Your participation in this important survey will help to identify key health priorities in Alachua County, the best way to address those issues and provide a better understanding of the needs of Alachua County residents regarding health and health care.
The survey is available online at https://tinyurl.com/AlachuaCSA or scan the QR code below.
A paper version is also available upon request at info [at] knowli.com and will be available in English, Spanish, and Creole. The survey will be open through January 1, 2024.
The survey is part of a comprehensive community health assessment that provides the public and policy leaders with information on the health status of the population and existing assets and resources to address health issues; the health assessment provides the basis for development of a Community Health Improvement Plan. This information will be made available in June 2024 in the report Alachua County Community Health Assessment (CHA).