Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Election Mis- and Disinformation

Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Election Mis- and Disinformation

Blog Post

Artificial intelligence (AI), which refers to a computer’s ability to imitate human cognitive abilities like problem-solving and learning, has been all over the media recently. There are countless applications and issues within AI. The League’s primary interest is in the potential impacts of AI on our elections. It is part of our world, and it will likely continue to become even more integrated into our everyday lives, in ways both visible and invisible.

By: Kristen Kern
LWVUS Blog / Last Updated: December 21, 2023

Fighting Mis- & Disinformation With the Democracy Truth Project
By: Chelsey Cartwright
LWVUS Blog / Last Updated: November 13, 2023

League to which this content belongs: 
Rhode Island