Newsby Shawn Gilbert, LWVDV Voter Services Co-Chair
Celebrate Democracy: Exercise Your Power…VOTE!
The January 16th Candidate Forum moderator training held at the Walnut Creek Library was a wonderful success. Fourteen enthusiastic, inquisitive members came to eagerly learn, share, and ask questions of LWVDV’s very experienced moderator, Martha Goralka. It was a fun evening and a treat to have very new members participate.
On February 2nd, LWVDV, in partnership with the County Elections Office, CCTV and LWV West Contra Costa County, will be in the CCTV studios in Martinez for Candidate Roundtable filming. Candidates in the following contests were invited to participate:
- State Assembly, Districts 11 and 15
- County Supervisor, District 5
- U.S. Representative, District 10
Things to Know About Voting:
- CA Voter Information Guides have been mailed.
- February 5 - County starts to mail out ballots.
- February 20 - Last day to register to vote online; mail-in paper forms must be postmarked by February 20. (After February 20th, anyone can still register to vote at the County Elections Office or, at early voting sites. However, you must be prepared to vote right after registering.)
Important! Are You Registered as No Party Preference (NPP)?
As a voter who declined to provide a political party preference, or if you registered with an unknown or unqualified political party, you are considered a "No Party Preference" (NPP) voter. Your primary election ballot will not have presidential candidates on it. Please visit this link for important information about how to receive a primary ballot that includes presidential candidates: No Party Preference Voters - Contra Costa County (contracostavote.gov)
Where’s My Ballot?
As a voter who declined to provide a political party preference, or if you registered with an unknown or unqualified political party, you are considered a "No Party Preference" (NPP) voter. Your primary election ballot will not have presidential candidates on it. Please visit this link for important information about how to receive a primary ballot that includes presidential candidates: No Party Preference Voters - Contra Costa County (contracostavote.gov)
Where’s My Ballot?
Click here to sign up now for Where’s My Ballot? It is easy to do, and you will be notified of when your ballot is mailed to you. After voting and returning your ballot, you will receive notice of when it is received and then when it is counted.
Vote Using Facts, Not Fiction
As we move closer to our 2024 elections, we will encounter untold amounts of information noise that is intended to mis/disinform and to confuse. This is a deliberately designed strategy. Sowing confusion is intended to keep voters from voting. It is incumbent on each of us to sort through the quagmire, a task easier said than done. The LWVDV webpage on Misinformation includes informative and helpful resources like these to add to your tool box and to share:
As we move closer to our 2024 elections, we will encounter untold amounts of information noise that is intended to mis/disinform and to confuse. This is a deliberately designed strategy. Sowing confusion is intended to keep voters from voting. It is incumbent on each of us to sort through the quagmire, a task easier said than done. The LWVDV webpage on Misinformation includes informative and helpful resources like these to add to your tool box and to share:
- Watch "Mis/Disinformation: How to Recognize and Respond to It"
- Subscribe to News Literacy Project’s Rumorguard.
- Watch "Introduction to Media Literacy; Crash Course"
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LWV Diablo Valley Voter Services CommitteeLeague to which this content belongs:
Diablo Valley