Paid Elections Ambassador Training Opportunities

Paid Elections Ambassador Training Opportunities


Are you passionate about democracy and want to share facts about how elections work? Apply for a paid training session, hosted by the Contra Costa County Elections Division, to learn first-hand about election processes and security.

 CC County Election Ambassador Program

Applications are due by May 14.  For more information and to apply, see Election Ambassadors Progam.

Elections Social Media Ambassador
  • Training: A virtual training opportunity for people who want to learn about how the county secures its elections and how to share fact-based election information on social media.
  • The training is open for people ages 16 and older who live in Contra Costa County. Participants will receive a $50 stipend for completing the training.

Elections Community Ambassador

  • Training: An in-person training opportunity for people who want to learn about how the county secures its elections and share that information with their communities.
  • The training is open for people ages 18 and older who live in Contra Costa County. Participants will receive a $150 stipend for completing the training.

These County programs are funded by a voter education grant.

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