The League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) President Richard Johnson's message for June 2024 is included below...
I would like to thank all our members for their continued support. Without your financial support through dues and donations we would not be able to accomplish our goals each year. We would like to encourage you to become more of an active member by joining some of the committees highlighted below:
1. Joanne Hasse Memorial Scholarship – At last year’s Annual meeting the board approved moving forward to raise money for a scholarship fund. At that time, we allocated money toward the scholarship. As we moved forward, Ron Hasse and family learned of our efforts and in December Ron donated $200,000 to the fund for which we were grateful. One of the stipulations by the family is that the scholarship be established at the University of Delaware School of Nursing for a student. The committee has been working to craft the requirements, and we are close to completing the details and expect to award our first student in the fall.
2. Fundraising Committee – There is an exciting group of individuals on the committee who are looking for new and unique ways of contributing to our financial success. This year they have been successful at contributing just short of $7,000. They have plans for many exciting events for the coming year, so be sure to check out upcoming events. Our largest contributor is in October at the BBC Tavern. You don’t want to miss that event this year.
3. New Citizens – The committee is always looking for volunteers to attend the ceremony. At that ceremony, the LWVNCC gives out comprehensive voting information folders to the new citizens that include information on the League as well. This year we provided 199 with information.
4. Voter Registration – We are honoring Patti Christopher at this event for her continued contribution to this effort. This effort is the real heart of our organization. In 2024, it is of not only great importance to make sure that everyone is registered but they get out and cast their vote.
5. Candidate Forums – We are asking for more volunteers this year. Our committee is planning many of these events in the coming year where it is important for the public to hear the candidate platforms. The League looks forward to conducting these events and the year going forward. Volunteers would be more than welcome.
These are just a few of the activities that you as members can be involved in and support not only in your financial contributions but through becoming an active member in 2024 and 2025. Active membership can be a one-time event or an ongoing adventure. We look forward to your continued participation in the coming year.
-- Dick Johnson