By Diane Dimperio
The first annual membership meeting since the pandemic was energizing and productive, creating enthusiasm for the League of Women Voters of Alachua County’s work over the next 12 months.
The meeting, held May 23 at Trinity United Methodist Church, began with time to mingle and — judging by the noise level — was a welcome change from the virtual meetings which have become the norm over the last four years.
The church offered a delicious dinner and lively conversations accompanied the meal.
LWVAC President Janice Garry called the meeting to order and began the business portion of the meeting. She thanked Jean Robinson for organizing the event and Wes Wheeler for technical support. She expressed gratitude for the League and its accomplishments.
The LWVUS is making changes that affect local Leagues. To comply with national guidelines, our League amended bylaws related to the membership and fiscal sections. The newly formed Health Care Committee was made a standing committee, and the committee’s co-chairs join the Board of Directors.
Jerry Kidder gave an overview of the proposed budget. Beginning in 2025, the budget year will begin on July 1. To adjust for that change, the current budget will cover 13 months, from June 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
Starting in January 2025, local League members will send annual dues to the national organization, which will return 25% to the local Leagues. Members who donate to our League over and above annual dues will need to send payment directly to the LWVAC. More information to come as details are ironed out.
Besides amending bylaws, LWVAC members were asked to approve projects for the coming year.
Member Wes Wheeler requested that LWVAC conduct a “study and action” on the anticipated local ballot amendment to the county home rule charter related to how county commissioners are elected.
Many questions were posed, primarily about the process itself. The League hasn’t done a study and action in several years, so members’ familiarity with that process varied. It was clear interest is high on the topic.
After a vote was taken to end the discussion — temporarily, at least — Garry said she will call a consensus meeting open to all members. A background paper has been created and will be shared before the meeting.
The last order of business was to elect new directors and a nominating committee for next year. Members were delighted to see the League had identified qualified and willing people to accept the responsibilities and all nominees were approved by acclimation.
The meeting ended with an invigorating cheer led by Garry and members left with smiles and the determination to work toward a successful election season.
As part of that effort, members left with packets of postcards to mail to registered Alachua County voters who had signed ballot initiative petitions but not voted in recent elections, encouraging them to vote in the upcoming general election.