Yes on 4! - Reach App Live Training

Yes on 4! - Reach App Live Training

Hand and Talk Bubble emojis on blue background
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 5:15pm to 6:15pm

Join Yes on 4 and LWV as we work to end government interference with abortion!

Yes on 4! offers weekly live training to find out how you can reach voters about supporting Amendment 4 through their relational organizing app, Reach.

Reach is a relational organizing app used by the Yes on 4 campaign. Supporters are encouraged to utilize Reach to start conversations around Amendment 4 with people they already know! Reach can also help supporters identify pro abortion voters in their communities that they can help reach out to!

Yes on 4! offers weekly virtual live training on Reach to help support new and returning volunteers who are seeking support in getting started with their outreach efforts.

With your help, we can end the near total abortion ban in Florida! Let's go!

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Contact Information
info [at]
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Health CareVoter Services