Innovate Newport
513 Broadway
Rhode Island
See map: Google Maps
Rhode Island US
Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Moderator: Rebekah Gomez, Executive Director, Conexion Latina
Candidates: Lynn Underwood Ceglie, Matthew James Grant, David R Carlin III, Mark D Aramli, Charles M Holder Jr, Xaykham Rexford Khamsyvoravong, Ian Billings Martins, Jeanne-Marie Napolitano, Stephanie Smyth, John M Walker
Sponsored by the League of Women Voter of Newport County, Newport This Week, East Bay Media Group, AARP RI, Involve Newport, and The Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce.
This event is related to which committees:
LWVRI - Newport County