LWV HHI-BA 2024 Accomplishments

LWV HHI-BA 2024 Accomplishments

MLK Event Image

LWV HHI_BA 2024 Year in Review

Our League can celebrate many accomplishments in 2024!

Through the efforts of our League members, partners, and volunteers, we connected with over 5,000 potential voters.  We held 55 voter registration and education events from August to October.

Poster WinnersOur collaboration with WOVEN (the MLK Social Justice Committee) continues to thrive and attract new volunteers and League members.  Together, this group was responsible for many voter registration events, and again in 2024, conducted a Voting Poster contest for tweens at both the Hilton Head and Bluffton Boys and Girls Club locations.  More than 20 posters were created and displayed at both Hilton Head and Bluffton public libraries during the general election voting.  We hope to continue this important activity engaging young people in understanding the importance of civic engagement and voting.

The Education Committee coordinated with the Beaufort League and the Beaufort County School system for a teacher recognition program, placing Teacher Appreciation signs at all schools across Beaufort County in May.

Image of Candidate ForumIn September, we conducted a very successful candidate forum for three HHI Town Council seat elections, with more than 100 citizens in attendance to learn more about the local candidates to make a voting decision.

Our efforts to provide candidate information through VOTE411 was highly successful. So much so, we added Jasper County candidate and race information.

The League (with financial assistance from a State League grant) designed and mailed out over 700 postcards to “inactive” registered voters in the effort to GOTV (Get Out The Vote).  Election turnout was 72% which exceeded the turnout from the previous election.  We presented to many local non-profits on the Early Voting process, and handed out 1100 cards with dates, times and locations to prospective voters.  This information was also posted on our website.

New VotersWe added 34 new members in 2024, and held two very successful New Member Orientation and Social meetings – one in the Spring and one in the Fall. Our holiday lunch was a "sell out" and featured guest speaker, Sharon Sherman, President of the local NAACP, as well as collecting toys for a holiday toy drive.  And, the Voter Service and Education Committees hosted a fun event at the Art Cafe.

As we move into 2025, it is time for reflection and consideration of how we continue our important work.  As a Board, we are in the process of reviewing our League committees and our current overall management structure to focus on improving communications, both internal and external, as well as operational effectiveness.

If you would like to join us, and get involved in a committee, take a leadership role, or an initiative, please contact ddhandman [at] gmail.com (Dahlia Handman), or roshnow [at] gmail.com (Kay Roshnow) for more information.  

League to which this content belongs: 
Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area