League of Women Voters of Hilton Head Island/Bluffton Area
Membership Form 2017-1018
__New Member ____Current Member/Membership Renewal
Phone_________________________ Email_______________________________________
Dues: Individual* $60
Household* $90
Donation** to LWVHHI/BA (optional)
Total Amount Enclosed
*$60 for one year, none member; $90 for one year two or more members of the same household. Please make checks payable to: LWVHHI/BA.
**If you would like your donation to be tax-deductible, please write a second check made out to LWVUS Education Fund, which is a 501c(3).
Please check your areas of interest:
___Voter services ___Education
___State government issues and advocacy
___Local issues/Observer corps ___Programs
___Membership ___Fund-raising
___Communications (newsletter, publicity, Twitter, Facebook, website)
___Other (specify)______________________________________________________________
How many years have you been a member of the League of Women Voters? ______
Please mail this form along with a check for your membership to:
Ellen Dahl, 3 Saddlewood Ct. Hilton Head, SC 29926