All Bucks County Articles

Bucks County Herald Logo An Independent, non partisan, non profit community news organization

It is important that we acknowledge the unsung heroes who help to make our democracy work: the behind-the-scenes election administrators, volunteers, election monitors, postal workers and secretaries of state.  


Read the spring edition of the Voter newsletter here

Bucks County Herald Logo An Independent, non partisan, non profit community news organization

The municipal elections in November have a significant impact on us all.  Of all those offices on the ballot, perhaps the candidates who will exert the greatest impact on and our communities are the individuals running for local school boards. 


According to AAPD (The American Association of People with Disabilities) “There are over 38 million people with disabilities who are eligible to vote, but access barriers keep many disabled voters from accessing their right to vote.”  Th


Read the summer edition of the Voter newsletter PDF icon


Over the past year, there have been occasional letters to the editor in response to articles submitted by the League of Women Voters to the Herald, some claiming that the League is partisan rather than non-partisan.


On Feb. 14, the League of Women Voters celebrated its 103rd birthday.

Public Statement

On Tuesday, Commonwealth Court President Judge Renée Cohn Jubelirer

Blog Post

By Sharon Forte, LWVBC Member

The Voter Winter 2022 newsletter from the League of Women Voters of Bucks County

The winter 2022 edition of The Voter is now available.  
