Back in 2014, the Providence League became alarmed at the condition of Providence's public schools and declared it an Issue of Interest. We then scheduled a Conversation with Joseph Da Silva, School Construction Coordinator for the RI Department of Education and learned that the problem had been building for years. In fact the problem had grown so large that in 2011 the State had enacted a 3 year moratorium on school construction approvals, with the exception of those necessitated by immediate health and safety needs. In June 2014, the morratorium was extended to May 2015.
Besides the huge numbers, Mr. Da Silva pointed out structural problems in the way the State funds new school buildings and repairs. The reimbursement formula and process are both costly and complex. A report released by the Senate in 2014 laid out the numbers and the problems, but not much changed.
As a result, in 2017 the Governor commissioned another study, and then created a Task Force spearheaded by the Treasurer and Education Commissioner "charged with recommending specific actions to address Rhode Island s school facilities deficiencies." Although the Task Force did not succeed in finding a workable "designated funding stream," it did manage to come up with a plan to fix the other structural problems in the funding process and help municipalities manage projects in such a way that all municipalities should benefit. The Task Force's recommendations have been included in the 2019 Budget Bill, and a bill for the Bond financing should be following.
The RI League has indicated that we should be able to support the changes and the bond.