On June 23, 2022, five leaders in the political and equal rights movements came together to discuss the current state of democracy and women's role in advancing it. Check out the League's "Guide to Mis- and Disinformation" highlighted in "Messages for Women Powering Democracy"
Blog / Last Updated: July 21, 2022
Dear League members, Sunday concluded the 55th League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) National Convention. This was the League's first hybrid Convention, with 1000+ members from all 50 states joining both virtually and in-person in Denver, CO. Notably, the 2022 Convention coincided with the Supreme Court's decision to overturn the constitutional right to abortion. In her opening remarks, LWVUS board president Dr. Deborah Ann Turner reflected on her experiences as an obstetrician/gynecologist and the League's dedication to reprouctive justice. "We hold the power to create a more perfect democracy. Women’s rights are human rights, and we will continue to fight until the right to abortion is restored," Dr. Turner stated. "This is the work that the League of Women Voters does...We fight for our freedom. And that’s why we are here today at Convention." Dr. Turner closed by announcing the League's next "moonshot" goal: abolition of the Electoral College. The League has long supported this goal due to the college's racist history and many shortcomings. Friday evening, Convention attendees joined Denver activists in marching to the Colorado State Capitol Building and rallying for abortion justice. Thoughtful action remained a focus throughout Convention. On Thursday, June 23, a panel of women leaders in the voting rights and social justice movements spoke to the ways in which women can power democracy. Later, MSNBC political analyst Joy Reid reflected on the essential nature of our work in her keynote address. The League also shared its 2020-2022 biennium report, which showcased the League's impact over the past two years. Throughout three days of plenary, delegates elected the 2022-2024 LWVUS Board of directors. Dr. Deborah Ann Turner was once again elected as board president, a role she has held since 2020. Delegates also voted on several motions, including the LWVUS budget and various bylaws amendment proposals. Read the decision summaries. Delegates had the opportunity to attend dozens of workshops and caususes throughout Convention on topics as diverse as mis and dis-information, activating young voters, using OutreachCircle, and more. Due to time constraints, the presentation of Biennium Awards was postponed and will be held the week of July 11. Be on the lookout for a virtual invitation to this celebration! Thank you again to everyone who made our 55th Convention a time of community, action, and inspiration. This past week reminds us of both the urgency of our work and the power of our members to create a more perfect democracy. The next two years will determine the course of our nation; as Dr. Turner said, we will "keep on keeping on." And we will win. Yours in League, Team LWV |
At the League's 2022 Convention, LWVUS board president and associate medical director of Planned Parenthood North Central States, Dr. Deborah Ann Turner, made the following remarks in response to the Supreme Court of the US's decision to overturn the constitutional right to abortion.
Good afternoon, League members, friends, guests, and all who believe in the right to vote, and free and fair democracy — in other words, those who believe in freedom.
I have to be real. Today, our freedom was eroded. The Supreme Court overturned our right to abortion and signaled a wider threat to all our other civil liberties. I know right now all of us are feeling the pain, the anger, and the fear that this decision handed us today. We must use our anger as fuel for action.
The League has supported freedom of choice since 1982 and denounced reproductive coercion in any form. Speaking as a health care professional who has dedicated my career to women’s health and reproductive health, it makes me furious, and it frightens me that a woman’s right to choose to have a safe and legal abortion has been stripped away.
I started medical school in 1973. One of the first patients I helped care for was a young woman who had undergone an illegal and unsafe abortion. She had four children at home, and she died from her complications. I can still see her in my mind in her bed in the ICU.
I have spent my entire medical career caring for women and their families, who are making difficult decisions about their lives. First as a gynecologic oncologist for 32 years and then as Associate Medical Director at Planned Parenthood of North Central States.
I am angry that pregnant women, and those who can become pregnant have been reduced to the status of political footballs. These women are individuals with individual stories, making what is always a serious decision to them. I know. I have sat in the room with them and heard their stories, held their hands, and shared their tears and relief at being treated in a nonjudgmental manner. Women Power Democracy is also about being there for these women, and we will join our allies in the fight for reproductive freedom.
Moments like this fuel our fight.
We will use our anger to fight in the legislatures, in the courts, and in the streets. We call on our elected leaders at the state and federal levels to act swiftly to restore bodily autonomy to all people.
We will not stand by as constitutional rights are stripped away, one by one.
We hold the power to create a more perfect democracy. Women’s rights are human rights, and we will continue to fight until the right to abortion is restored. Our lives depend on it.
Excerpt: Supreme Court Strips Americans of Constitutional Right to Abortion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Decision - LWVUS Press Release - June 24, 2022
"The League of Women Voters stands in our power with our reproductive partners and all persons who fear the dangerous consequences of this decision. We will use our anger to fight in the legislatures, in the courts, and in the streets. We call on our elected leaders at the state and federal levels to act swiftly to restore bodily autonomy to all people.
"Women hold the power to create a more perfect democracy. We will not stand by as constitutional rights are stripped away, one by one. Women’s rights are human rights, and we will continue to fight until the right to abortion is restored. Our lives depend on it.”
"The League of Women Voters filed an amicus in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Learn more about the case here.